AGW Electrical (Services) Ltd, Commercial and Industrial Electricians.


Wednesday 24 February 2010

Bull Ring job Feb'10

I was very pleased when a main contractor, a new and very valued client gave us the opportunity to quote for and win work at the Bull Ring shopping Centre, a new place of work for AGW Electrical (Services) Ltd and one that we hope to make a good impression upon to secure future work with.
Our task to restore an empty retail unit ready for a new tennant, adding Power outlets, performing tests and isolating various former supplies.

~~~Thanks for reading!~~~

Jitterbugs Partyworld Job Update, Feb'10

Internal Building work taking shape.

Play Equipment Starting to go in and Taking Shape.

This is just a quick update on how things are going with our job, Jitterbugs Party World, we were very grateful to the main contractor for chosing us to work on this very interesting project.

Outside of the Building with new markings.

I will add more photo's in another week or two. Thank you for looking and If I can be of any service to you please get in touch via our Website Or call our office.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

JitterBugs PartyWorld Update.

A quick update on the Jitterbugs Partyworld Job.
Light's have gone up and cabling is underway for power etc.
Childrens play items have been delivered!

A photo of the Light fittings we've used. Environmentally friendly.

They are Industrial High/Low bay style lights, usually consisting of or 400Watt sodium or Metal Halide lamp, But these new ones are 4 x 49Watt so less than 200Watt's, half the amount of energy. Yet by using High frequency gear and Triphosphor lamps the output is kept very high!

I will continue to Update this Blog as we go along.
If you wish to discuss Energy Saving there are lots of idea's we have that could save you money, and even be paid for with an Interest free loan from the Carbon Trust!
The energy you save will be able to more than likely pay the loan back.